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Improve Astrobot User Experience and Platform Functionality

Key Areas for Improvement Web3 Login Issues: Users continue to experience challenges when logging in via Metamask, with transactions often resulting in extended loading times or outright failures. While we understand how crucial maintaining a Web3 login system is, an optional Web2 login/password feature for Astrobot owners could greatly reduce frustrations. These credentials could be revoked if the NFT leaves the wallet, similar to how Discord access is managed for certain channels. This solution would keep the platform Web3-focused while easing repeated login issues. OpenSea Listings: Astrobots are currently listed as Profile Pictures (PFPs) on OpenSea, which doesn’t reflect their true value as membership NFTs. Updating the listing to communicate their role as memberships would help clarify their purpose and value to potential buyers. Inactive Social Media and Marketing: The inactivity of the Twitter page, coupled with low OpenSea trading volume, gives the impression that the project is dormant. A more active marketing strategy—including publishing Premium webinars on YouTube after a delay (agreed upon with paying customers)—could help boost visibility and engagement, bringing more attention to the project's value.

Web3gems 10 days ago


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